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LearnDog to PlanetMuse - three clues

Dear PlanetMuse,

I'm not exactly sure who or what you are but I understand that you are launching something tonight that could help bring to life some of my lofty vision for helping kids through recognition of their vocational skills. I will be at your party this evening and hope to meet the team and find out more. Till then, here are three clues from somebody who has been dreaming a lot about what is possible:

  1. Digitise - Make recordings in audio and video, take lots of pictures, draw stuff, write stories, whatever. Just make sure they look and sound great on a computer.
  2. Publish online (with open licensing) - While still 'in the moment' of creating stuff make sure it gets published online with the most open license you dare. (Creative Commons:Attribution for the brave, Attribution, NonCommercial if you are not sure about your future business model).
  3. Build communities of Recognition - take a look at what is possible by open sharing through various social networks. Just today I was playing with fotopedia.com which does a really good job at building recognition around digital photos. Find ways to do this with your band, music, art, poetry, photos, drawings or whatever.

With the very best of wishes


June 11, 2009 in plans | Permalink


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